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Our Services

To view all our other services visit our Facebook or YouTube page.


People often have questions regarding baptism: Why should I be baptized?... What if I’ve already been baptized—do I have to do it again?... Does it matter if someone is sprinkled or dunked?... When can I get baptized?

We would like to answer some of these questions for you.

Pastoral Care

 If you or someone you know is in need of pastoral care, please let us know. Too often, people may be hurting, and the church never knows. Our pastoral care team can make hospital visits, provide DVD’s and CD’s of services and serve communion.

We would love to pray with and for you. If you are, or someone you know is in need of pastoral care, please provide us with the information so that we may better be of service.


Pastoral Counseling

If you or someone you know is in need of pastoral counseling, please let us know. Too often, God’s people are struggling with difficulties but there is help. Pastor Bynum is available and ready to walk with you through your times of trial and tribulation.

The Lord loves you and so do we. Please reach out and let us know how we can help.

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We are so excited to serve you during the process of marriage and wedding planning. We offer many resources to help you plan and execute your rehearsal and wedding.

We offer pre-marital counseling, which is required to have one of our staff pastors perform a wedding. If you only desire to use the facility, then contact us and we’ll send you our “Planning Your Wedding” information packet.


Baby Dedications


We absolutely love children and we believe all of our children are a gift from God. We Conduct most baby dedications on the 4th Sunday of every month.

This is our Family Sunday where the kids get to participate in the main service. We understand that sometimes, with family, it may be difficult to get everyone together for a 4th Sunday. If you have friends or family from out of town, we will do our best to accommodate and conduct the dedication on another day

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It is our desire to serve and assist you in times of loss, and we make our facility is available for funerals, but availability is limited.

Due to the fact that we also have a school in the building, only certain days and times of the week are open, and those times often change week to week.

If you would like to check availability and pricing or if you need a pastor from Limitless Church to conduct a memorial service, call our office at the phone number located in the sidebar of our website.